If you want to list your estates on our platform, we both have free and paid plans that you can discover after registration.
In which language should I list?
Only English. Our platform has automatic translation based on English. If you use any other language it will generate conflict for users and we may remove your listing.
Do you sell or rent places?
No, we don't sell or rent anything directly. Our platform is a bridge between people and estate listers.
Can I list my estate?
Yes, you can.
How can I reach a seller?
You can directly contact them over our platform via private message or use their contact details such as phone, WhatsApp, Viber etc.
Can I discover listings for free?
Yes, you can explore listings over our platform for free.
I had a problem with a lister. Can you help me?
If you tell us your experience with a seller with the evidence we may ban the seller. Legal issues are between you and the seller.